Institut-Télécom is a public group of French engineering graduate schools and research laboratories in Information Technology. More than 600 professors and senior researchers interact with more than 5000 graduate students. Research results led to 1700 scientific publications in 2009. Two of these schools and research laboratories will contribute to the vAssist project: Télécom ParisTech (TPT) and Télécom SudParis (TSP). Over the last 30 years these teams have developed a considerable experience in signal processing and multimedia which serves as a background to vAssist. This experience was gained through the participation to European (COST, Telematics, ACTS, IST, Eureka, etc.) and national projects. The most relevant one for vAssist certainly is the ongoing CompanionAble project. TPT and TSP also cooperated on an internal project called ‘Maison Intelligente: Handicap et Dépendance’. TSP is quite active in Homecare Tele-surveillance through national projects like ACI-Mediville, RNTS-TelePat, Tandem, QuoVadis and IE4IL with South Africa. The Homecare surveillance team at TSP has more than 10 years of experience in this area, namely having developed a wearable device allowing to watch vital and actimetric signals namely to detect falls through its accelerometry functionalities and eventually cardio-vascular problems. The TSP team has developed a long-term partnership with ESIGETEL and Inserm-U558 through multimodal tele-vigilance fusion to robotize the distress events detection. They have published more than 20 publications or communications in this area.