EURAG Austria, the local platform of the umbrella organization EURAG Europe, has extensive experience in European projects that aim at combating age discrimination and promoting the physical and mental health of the older population to ensure quality of life in old age. EURAG has advisory status in the NGO Committee on Ageing of the United Nations and collaborates closely with universities and care institutions, federal and local governments and the media. Through the Academic Advisory Board EURAG Austria has access to research and the development of new strategies and technologies. EURAG is a non-political, non-confessional, non-profit organization representing the interests of older persons in 34 countries for more than 30 years and acting in a purely advisory capacity at the UN, the WHO and the European Community. The Austrian platform EURAG Austria acts accordingly. The focus of EURAG Austria is: A) obtaining the life quality and the self determination of senior citizens B) maintaining a bridge between the generations C) empowering the older generation and D) preventing discrimination of older persons. Achievements so far are A) improving the image of older persons in the media in collaboration with the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation (ORF) B) providing a legal opportunity for complaints in the case of violation in the Media (Selbstbeschränkungskodex) C) promoting Health prevention (lectures and healthcare events for laymen) D) introducing new technologies and special devices to seniors in order to ensure life quality and let them participate in society and E) establishing opportunities for Life-long Learning (English Club, Internet courses for senior citizens, Internetcafé). EURAG Austria is financed by projects, sponsoring and member fees.